Newspapers articles

The car accident when Alexandra- Ecaterina Sima lost her arm was si-a pierdut bratul was mediatized in Romanian newspapers (althought some articles contain incorrect infomation). Below you may find the links to these newspapers articles (april 2010):

Doneaza pentru un inger -
Îngerul a rămas fără o aripă. Nu mai poate să zboare! – ”Adevarul”- newspaper of Brasov city
12 ore s-au chinuit sa ii salveze bratul - Newspaper ”Click”

Family’s friends have initiated a campaign related to the donation of  2% from the anual income taxes (230 forms- by Romanian law) - may 2010-, by the time when Alexandra was still hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Emergency Hospital Floreasca in Bucharest. 
Some newspapers articles published at that time in the press, to support this campaign you can read here:

Fiţi îngeri buni pentru Alexandra! – Daily newspaper ”Viata Libera” Galatz
Până pe 15 mai puteţi face o minune - Daily newspaper „Viata Libera” Galatz
Alexandra le mulţumeşte sutelor de îngeri - Daily newspaper ”Viata Libera” Galatz

The raising funds campaign in December 2010, which was finalized with a wonderful show organized at ”Fani Tardini” Dramatic Theatre headquarter, was supported in the press by Daily newspaper ”Viata Libera” Galatz (Mrs. Roxana Artene Penciu) and "Adevarul" Newspaper. Some articles you may find below: 

Vreau sa-mi imbratisez parintii cu ambele maini - Daily newspaper ”Viata Libera” Galatz
Toti pentru Alexandra - Daily newspaper ”Viata Libera” Galatz
Sa o ajutam pe Alexandra din Galati sa zboare - "Adevarul" Newspaper in Galati, Braila, Focsani and Buzau
Angela Baciu- Sa-i dam aripi Alexandrei – Writer Angela Baciu’s blog
Articol despre spectacol: O sala plina pentru Alexandra! - Daily newspaper ”Viata Libera” Galatz
Articol despre spectacol: Aripi pentru Alexandra- Miracol 100% galatean- Daily newspaper ”Viata Libera” Galatz

More information you may read here also: